
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Powell Endorses Barack Obama

Today was a truly magnificent day. General Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president. I'm certain there will be a lot of talk about race...about how Powell is a traitor and an America hater...or about how he is secretly a socialist/communist/fascist/terrorist.

While all this talk is going on, the right will be exposed for what they truly are...or what they have allowed themselves to become: a large group of angry, ignorant, purposefully unintelligent psychotics. I have already received three emails from readers saying basically that Powell is a traitor. In this case, and I REALLY mean this...I hate being right.

Pretty fucking sad, huh?


Anonymous said...

Trust is a two-way street. If a leader breaks faith with those beneath him through mendacity, greed, hubris and incompetence, that leader no longer deserves loyalty.

Powell went to the UN and lent his integrity to what Bush was saying. Bush betrayed that trust by pushing lies and forgeries to make the case for the war against Iraq. By believing what he wanted to believe and ignoring all indications to the contrary, Bush betrayed Powell, our military and the America people.

If you lie and cheat to achieve a greater good your followers will look upon you with favor only if you succeed. There were no WMDs and Al Qaeda moved into Iraq only after our invasion turned it into a hellhole. Taking out Saddam removed the linchpin in the bulwark against Iran, putting Shiites in charge of Iraq and strengthening the ayatollahs in Teheran.

More than four thousand American soldiers have died and tens of thousands have been maimed for Bush's lies, petro-envy and lust to one-up his daddy. Al Qaeda is growing stronger in Afghanistan and Pakistan while our troops are bogged down in Iraq, still dying to this day.

It is not betrayal to disavow the party that brought us pointless and counterproductive death in Iraq, the overextension and slow disintegration of our military, war profiteering by the likes of Halliburton, the sheer incompetence displayed in Katrina, the greed and corruption of Abramoff and dozens like him, the disregard of our constitutional rights which ultimately resulted in our intelligence personnel spying on the intimate conversations of our servicemen and -women in Iraq, the torture and deaths of detainees in custody, the prostitution of the US attorneys office for petty and partisan goals, and the economic meltdown that threatens the livelihoods of everyone in this country.

If the Republicans had been incompetent and greedy or mendacious about just one thing, or two or three things, Powell wouldn't have turned away. But Bush has been wrong and performed poorly in every sphere. Under his incompetent management America has been weakened in every aspect. And the Republican party sat by and cheered him on.

And it's not just the big stuff. It's the toxic atmosphere of hatred that shrouds every Republican gathering. McCain for the most part has stood by while his followers tell lies, spew racist filth and threaten Obama's life. Sarah Palin actively goads the faithful into it, like some preening Gauleiter.

How could anyone seriously question Powell's decision to endorse Obama? Over the last 25 years the Republican Party has become an ugly and intolerant hotbed of hate-mongers driven by fear. They can't simply disagree with their opponents, they must despise them, impugn their integrity, brand them traitors, and threaten them with death.

Why would anyone want to be associated with such an organization?

Anonymous said...

M, the asses bray on the right just as on the left, as witness the first comment here.

Dan said...

"M, the asses bray on the right just as on the left, as witness the first comment here."

Juris, you must be feeling ill or something. I've come to expect more than just an unsupported insult attack from you.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...


Appreciate your good wishes, but I'm feeling fine as ever. When someone engages in mud-slinging I call them on it. When someone slings mud whilst complaining about how the other side does so, I call them on the double foul.