
Monday, October 13, 2008

Polifact Debunks Obama-Ayers Connection


The McCain campaign and the RNC are still using ads that link Obama and 1960s radical William Ayers. Now Polifact has examined the ads closely and concluded that the claim that Obama and Ayers ran a radical education foundation together is a "pants-on-fire" lie. While it is true that Obama was the nominal head of the foundation in question, Ayers never had a paid position on the foundation's staff, never was on the board, and never had a vote on anything. His connection to Obama was attending some board meetings that were open to the public, and this 20 years after his radical days, by which time he had reformed enough to get a Ph.D. in education from Columbia University and was able to win Chicago's "Citizen of the Year" award in 1997 for his work for nonprofit organizations. In short, while Ayers was a despicable person in his youth, the McCain campaign's relentless harping on the close relationship between Obama and Ayers is very misleading. They weren't close at all.

Couldn't have said it better myself...


Anonymous said...

Well markadelphia, you mentioned a while back that the ohio bullshit was starting early.

In Lake County, Indiana, ACORN turned in 5,000 new registrations. The authorities there started reviewing them, and quit after they found that the first 2,100 were all fraudulent. ACORN turns in thousands of new registrations, and not a single one represents a legitimate voter. I watched the clip above from CNN. Couldn't tell from the report. Does ACORN work more closely with one party/candidate than another markadelphia? No bias right? - Looks like 105% of the population in Indianapolis is registered to vote!! - Nevada - Missouri – In Connecticut, ACORN registered a 7 year old girl to vote.

Oh yeah - A University of Tennessee student who is the son of a Democrat Memphis legislator has been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of hacking Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's personal e-mail. Any comment? Didn't think so. - Acorn paid this Ohio man in cash and cigs to register to vote 72 times. - 4000 dead people registered to vote in Houston. – Wisconsin - Indiana. ACORN, a grassroots activist group conducting registration drives, dropped off 2,000 new voter applications last week in Lake County. "About 1,100 are no good," said the elections board supervisor.

Mark Ward said...

I believe that I have stated several times on this blog that if you add up the amount of voter fraud that has gone in this country, the Democrats would be more guilty.

The history of the Democratic Party is historically rife with corruption . Lately, though, they are mostly a bunch of spineless turds and political opportunists...not as criminal as the Republican Party of the last 28 years, who have allowed lunatics to run the base. Or lunatics are the base. Or both.

This is going to change significantly in an Obama presidency. I will state this again...the people that are going to have the most problems with a President Obama are the Dem lifers in the House and Senate.

If the ACORN stuff is true, then I would condemn it just as much as I do on the Republican side, which as is typical of their personality, has yet to admit any wrongdoing in 2000 and 2004.

Anonymous said...

Weak dude. obama did a lot of funding of various educational projects through the cac. You aren't curious in the least about what he funded and how much he funded what are you? IF the acorn stuff is true? How much more proof do you need? 8 members of acorn were CONVICTED in Missouri of voter fraud in 2004. IF?

Here's your base.

I heard Sandra Bernhard said that if Palin came to her neighborhood her big black friends would gang-rape Palin. Doesn't speak well for black people does it? it's ok though, a liberal said it so it's not racist is it? hypocrits. One liberal in that link smashed glass panels at a monument to Medal of Honor recipients. Another lib tried to run down congresswoman Katherine Harris with his Cadillac as she was campaigning in Sarasota, Fla., in October 2004.

Mark Ward said...

SW, you are living in a fantasy land if you think liberals are the ones filled with rage. Go to a Palin rally and listen to the audience. I'm sure the examples above are true but they just don't represent the anywhere near the majority as they do with the Republican base.

I've spent a lot of time in the last month talking to conservatives and they are pretty sickened by what their party has become.

Anonymous said...

No comment on the son of the democrat who hacked the email. there is stuff today about acorn in Philly and even your local paper the star tribune had something about acorn yesterday. Have you ever been to a palin rally yourself or do you just believe everything you read on the internet if it fits your worldview? obama hasn't ever taken on the lifers in the dem party ever and were just supposed to believe it now because youre saying it?