
Monday, January 21, 2013

A Question For Dr. King

As I think about Dr. King on his day today, I find a question continually percolating back up to the surface of my mind. Would he be happy?

Looking at the state of race in our country today, the answer would be yes.

We have come a very long way from his time when he left this Earth almost 45 years ago. In fact, we have achieved beyond what he dreamed of in his lifetime. Talk to mostly anyone under the age of 25 of how there was a time when black people were treated differently and most of them get the gas face. Seeing past color is simply a normal day for them.

We just re-elected a black president. We've had black secretaries of state. There have been and still are black CEOs of major corporations. Black History month has gone from being an one time a year thing to all year long. 82 percent of blacks 25 or older have a high school diploma. 2.9 million blacks are enrolled in college, up from 1.2 million in 1990. That's more than double. Black owned businesses have seen their revenues rise 53 percent in the last decade alone.

In short, our culture has become much more diverse and accepting.

No doubt there is still racism and bigotry in our country. The poverty level among blacks is very high (27.4 percent in 2010) and only 18 percent of blacks have a bachelor's degree or higher. So, if Dr. King were still alive today, his efforts would likely be focused on those numbers.

But if he walked out of a door in 1968 and came through a door in 2013 he would likely be hospitalized for shock. I can only imagine what his joy would be at seeing his dream realized.


Juris Imprudent said...

I doubt Dr. King would be happy with the state of black families in this country.

Mark Ward said...

Agreed. But I was feeling upbeat today so that's why I posted more positivity.

So who is to blame for the state of black families? Well, I imagine if Dr. King were around he'd start with the people themselves and probably the church. I talked about this a couple of years ago but I really think that Dr. King would not be pleased with how little the black community talks about church these days. There is something to be said for the more secular ideals being at the forefront.

And the government is to blame as well. They helped to create the problem if inequality and then put forward half ass or no ass solutions.

Juris Imprudent said...

So who is to blame for the state of black families?

I believe Bill Cosby has answered that.

Daniel P. Moynihan had an opinion on the subject too.