
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bubble Translated!

Let's put the following headline

President Obama pushes to fill ATF's top spot

through The Bubble Translator, shall we?


Ah, it is...

Ex-Ghetto Organizer, Current Negro Named Head of Federal Gun Grabbing Department


Juris Imprudent said...

Here fuckface is something for you to choke on.

These have an interest in being re-elected. Obama doesn't. He only wants to increase the adoration amongst the fawning fanboi population.

Mark Ward said...

Given the numbers I put up earlier, I would think that means they support those measures and then remove the president's name from them:)

Larry said...

That sentence doesn't make sense. Are you drinking Listerine again, Mark?

Juris Imprudent said...

Kool-aid Larry, he drinks it by the barrel.

Juris Imprudent said...

Speaking of in the bubble, M will get his little mind blown by this. Another business trying to operate outside of ever-beneficial regulation!

Juris Imprudent said...

Hey M, maybe you should offer your services as prognisticator of public opinion and campaign consultant to all of them dumb Dem senators that don't know what will get them re-elected.