
Thursday, November 07, 2013

Here We Go Again

I guess we have to be reminded every few years just how fucking psycho the gun community is in this country. Good Lord...

There will be no wavering!! There will be only vigilance!!! Any sort of thinking or wavering that is against our vill...sorry...will calls for immediate retribution. Anyone who writes this...

I don’t think requiring 16 hours of training to qualify for a concealed carry permit is infringement But that’s just me.

Or this...

The fact is, all constitutional rights are regulated, always have been, and need to be.

Or this...

I’ve seen too many examples of unsafe behavior on too many shooting ranges to believe otherwise. And we’ve all read too many accounts of legally armed individuals dealing with the consequences of not being properly trained or prepared when confronted with a bad situation.

is a fucking pinko commie faggot who needs to be liquidated. Robert Farago summed it up best.

Anyone who says ‘I believe in the Second Amendment but—’ does not believe in the Second Amendment. They are not friends, they are not frenemies, they are enemies of The People of the Gun.

The People of the Gun, huh? Yeah, I''m quaking in my boots (see: there will be no revolution as long as men have titties) Here's Wonkette's take.

Translation: You fuckers scare even us, but we still want your money, so fuck “a healthy exchange of ideas”: Metcalf is history. Please keep buying our magazine, please? Not that the fondlers are satisfied — now many are calling for Bequette to resign for having allowed the piece to run in the first place. 

Update: And as of this afternoon, Guns & Ammo editor Jim Bequette has resigned as well. Business Insider reports that while the magazine had been due to get a new editor January 1, Bequette “announced he would expedite the process and resign immediately.” Because of an editorial suggesting the utterly unthinkable, tyranny-promoting notion that people who own guns should be trained to use them safely. Welcome to America in 2013.

I don't share her fear of the gun people. Honestly, they are a bunch of cowards. The first people to squirt in their pants and hand over their guns to some sort of authority will be them. The reason why they bitch so much about authority is because they themselves are authoritarians who want a return to the aristocracy of the Antebellum South and are obviously self-loathing.

As I have said many times, when an incident occurs that will affect them personally due to their complete ignorance of how irresponsible people are in this country, then they will change. In the meantime, I do find it heartening that they continue to alienate more and more people who are on their side.


Anonymous said...

I don’t think requiring 16 hours of training to qualify for a concealed carry permit is infringement But that’s just me.

Let's try putting that exact same statement in a different context:

I don’t think requiring 16 hours of classes on the Constitution to qualify to vote is infringement But that’s just me.

Do you think that's not an infringement? What if I was the one who got to design the curriculum?

Which is more basic? The Right to Life (which entails self-defense) or voting?

Infringed (And again)

Larry said...

Rage, rabbit, rage! There's enough projection of psychological dysfunction in this post to keep an entire frat rush party puking in the bushes for hours.

GuardDuck said...

Says the guy who thinks that requiring ID to vote is an infringement.....