
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Just Read His Manifesto


juris imprudent said...

Now that IS funny since Rodger passed 3 background checks in CA, one for each gun he bought.

Or does "the govt" need to review all of your internet postings before you can buy a gun?

Anonymous said...

Just another example of how disconnected M is from reality.

GuardDuck said...

Not only that but authorities were called to talk to him. He was in counselling pretty much his entire life too.

Nobody involved thought he was dangerous enough to do anything about....

So unless Mark's idea is to deprive constitutional rights from anyone with even the slightest whiff of thinking about seeing a counsellor....based upon his idea of the department of pre-crime....

In which case I'd have to redouble my call for removing people who have also been 'counselled' from being near children - because DANGER! For the children you know.

Larry said...

If the facts are on your side, use the the facts as a sledgehammer. If they aren't, make up shit and repeat it endlessly. Some percentage of the public will buy into it. It's the Way of the Prevaricating Progressive.