
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Can You Spot The Racism In this Photo?

Update: A couple of comments failed to note this. 

Racism isn't like a smelly fart. It doesn't always have to be that apparent.


Larry said...

It's got a picture of a black man! That's it, right? Oh, that and stories critical of a black man. That's definitely raciss.

GuardDuck said...


You are seeing things that aren't there.

Further, you obviously have had very little exposure to a wide variety of art and history as this type of image is has a rather iconic similarity to Soviet and Nazi era 'heroic realism'.

Larry said...

Your update is all in your head, as usual. No one complained about people imagining uppity wops when others noted Mussolini was arrogant. You're as full of shit as ever.

GuardDuck said...


That is a ringer for Il Duce propaganda.

YOU saw it and immediately thought 'uppity nigger'.

That shows YOUR racism.

Larry said...

Racism isn't like a smelly fart. It doesn't always have to be that apparent.

It doesn't even have to be there at all for some hyperventilating souls to imagine it is. Such as when "Obama plays too much golf" was imagined to be a "racial dog-whistle".

Larry said...

It's Il Dufe.