
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Most Excellent Words

From an answer to a question on Quora...

The gun rights community isn't the only community in which one might find hostility directed towards those who, by some measure, are a member of that community but do not tow the party line. I'd suspect some gay Republicans feel like they're not tolerated; perhaps an animal rights advocate might get some flack for not being a vegetarian; someone who identifies as a progressive might find themselves unwelcome among others because they like guns.

Having said all of the above, I'll throw it out there that...

  • I do believe responsible citizens can own guns.
  • I own guns, and enjoy them for sport (as well as appreciate the technology that often goes in to them).
  • I enjoy spending time at the range and genuinely find many firearms quite neat (not to trivialize them for what they are and are capable of doing).
  • I do see parallels in overzealous attempts to curb 2nd amendment rights with such attempts to curb 1st amendment rights and other constitutional rights.

At the same time, I...

  • Find many among the "We need guns to defend against an oppressive government!!" types to be more of a threat to all of our collective safety and freedom than any government will ever be.
  • Quite firmly believe that our own country's history post-Revolution shows us these self-styled militia types are more likely to be the ones marching alongside the "jackbooted thugs" of an oppressive regime to persecute fellow citizens, rather than standing up for overall freedom.
  • Think there are some completely absurd weapons out there, and it is likewise absurd they're so often easy to acquire.
  • Am thoroughly disgusted by the leadership and tactics of the NRA's lobbying and political arms (though, beyond the usual indoctrination that takes place when among them, can appreciate the organization's efforts on gun-safety and training fronts).

Well said!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am guessing you posted this because you agree?

For the first items, great! We have some things where we can agree.

For the At the same time, I... BS (and yes it is BS):

Find many among the "We need guns to defend against an oppressive government!!" types to be more of a threat to all of our collective safety and freedom than any government will ever be. Quite firmly believe that our own country's history post-Revolution shows us these self-styled militia types are more likely to be the ones marching alongside the "jackbooted thugs" of an oppressive regime to persecute fellow citizens, rather than standing up for overall freedom.

There is no evidence of any significant violence by the 'Right Wing' and by your looney definition, there is no way they would 'march alongside' an oppressive regime.... THEY OPPOSE OPPRESSIVE REGIMES! Are you seriously holding this contradiction in your head as a fact, as something you think exists?!! Apparently, you aren't the only loon out there.

And absurd weapons that are easy to get? What is absurd? Name one! You, who haven't been to a gun show, probably have very little experience even holding a gun, and completely misunderstand the entire gun culture by your own words. Hmm. Fix the ignorance gap and get educated!