
Friday, June 06, 2014

Stopped By A Good Guy With No Gun

Uh oh. It looks like the whole good guy with a gun lie continues to unravel.

Jon Meis, a student working as a building monitor, pepper-sprayed the shooter as he stopped to reload, then put him in a chokehold and took him to the ground, according to police and a friend who spoke with Meis after the shooting. Then other students and faculty members rushed to hold the shooter down until police arrived. 

Pepper spray and a choke hold? What a fucking pussy! The bad guy had a shotgun so the least that Jon should have had was a .223-caliber Bushmaster Model XM15, right?

1 comment:

GuardDuck said...

By golly Mark! You're a genius! You've solved the problem and we can save billions of dollars a year. Just take guns away from all our cops and soldiers and give them pepper spray instead!

Here's a thought question though. If you just happen to find yourself in a situation where you were in a position to save a bunch of innocent people (ha! I know, but this is a hypothetical, let's assume you won't cry in a corner) would you rather have a gun or pepper spray?

Wait, don't answer that, because you are incapable of being honest any answer you would give would be meaningless. But the correct answer - and you know it is - is a gun.....