
Monday, June 02, 2014

The Amnesia of the Right

Apparently Ted Cruz is suffering from an acute case of amnesia. He blew a bowel on television last weekend over the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner exchange saying, "U.S. policy has changed, now we make deals with terrorists."

Doesn't he remember that conservative hero Ronald Reagan traded arms for hostages?

Thankfully, Politifact is there to sort it all out. I'll add in that Israel does this sort of thing all the time and we don't see Republicans ripping into them, now do we?


Nikto said...

The Taliban is the deposed government of Afghanistan. It's not just another terrorist group: it is an army. In fact, the Taliban was the government Ronald Reagan and the CIA helped install by aiding them, Osama bin Laden and other Afghan groups in Reagan's blind lust to defeat the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Back then he called them freedom fighters.

That was not the only war that backfired on us. The pro-Iranian Shiite government led by Nouri al-Maliki was installed by George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq. The king of Saudi Arabia describes Maliki as "an Iranian agent." This is what happens when you take sides in conflicts that have no good guys in them.

Prisoner exchanges are par for the course in wars between armies. Terrorists are small cells of criminals who use death and destruction for the sheer effect of terror. Armies consist of organized military forces attempting to take over large sections of territory. Voice of America estimates the core Taliban force is 60,000 fighters.

That's an army, not a gang of terrorists.

Armies can grow from terrorist groups, and armies can disintegrate back into terrorist gangs. The Taliban is currently an army. A particularly thuggish and brutal army that terrorizes the Afghan people, but an army nonetheless.

Larry said...
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Larry said...

Who recognized the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan? Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Thats it. So now we take our diplomatic cues from the likes of them? Is that really what you're arguing, Nikto? Because it's sure as shit what it sounds like. Except I think you're just ignorantly bleating at the moon, again, in a spit-flecked anti-Republican rage. Whatever. Bleat, you fierce sheep, you! Bleat!

As far as prisoner exchanges between nation states go, we've fucked ourselves big time trading five enemy officers for an air-headed shit-stain of a deserter. We should've left him.

I don't hear many on "the right" defending Israel's short-sighted prisoner exchanges (not that it's mostly anybody's business but their's, except maybe when certain exceptional prisoners are involved), and I sure as shit do remember a LOT of people pissed as hell at the Reagan administration for dealing with terrorists. That means Republicans, too, for you two moron's sake. At best, you get a really bad deal, at worst, you're encouraging more of the same. No amnesia here, you two fuckwits.

GuardDuck said...

Don't YOU remember that the Iran/Contra thing was a scandal, precisely because of it being a BAD IDEA?

juris imprudent said...

Way to have absolutely no sense of history or perspective M - just fucking brilliant.

Reagan took the blame for that deal, he didn't pass the buck or blame the opposition party in Congress.

It is truly sad how retarded the loudest mouth progressives are.