
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nope, No Racism Here

From a billboard in Colorado...

Move along...nothing to see mention of the word racism which could cause anaphylactic fits of rage...move along...


Fundamentalist Wackos said...

Strong words from the man whose most quoted comedian bemoaned Obama as not being a "real black President" because he doesn't threaten to bust a cap in yo' ass if you fail to do what he wants.

Anonymous said...

The artist and owner of the sign have received death threats. The sign wad taken down Friday morning.

Flat Earthers said...

Yes, the fits of rage - evidenced by death threats - were all on the left. Again.

6Kings said...

Hamas doesn't like being portrayed as idiots. They ALWAYS put the explosives under their clothes! Death to Infidels!

Tess said...

Threats from the left? The billboard itself intimates a threat that needs to be extinguished. As usual, the side that plays to prejudice and fear one ups themselves.

GuardDuck said...

Doesn't hating a hater make you a hater too?