
Friday, October 01, 2010

News On The March!

Wishful Thinking

I've had several exchanges of late with conservatives, Tea Partiers, the GOP and random libertarians which center around a common theme: Democrats running for re-election are "running away from the president" because his policies are "unpopular with the American people." That may be true if you define "The American People" as being exclusively right wing.

It is not, however, true at all that Congressional Democrats are telling the president to stay away. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told the president that congressional Democrats want to see more of the kind of campaign rally and rhetoric he displayed this week in Wisconsin. They said they especially want him to continue to make the case - and the contrast with Republicans - on jobs and the economy.

Another source familiar with the meeting said the message from Pelosi and other Democratic leaders was that "you are good on the stump, get out there, we need it."

I know it's fun to fantasize that all Americans feel the way you do, right wingers. But they don't. And just because you thump your chest and say it, doesn't mean that it is true.

Perfect Summation and Representation

When heading into the voting both in a few weeks, remember this audio clip

I'll be damned if I can find a better representation of the right. No solutions....just anger, screaming insults and vitriol. Sums them up perfectly.


I just about fell out of my chair when I read this.

"The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore," he said.

This struck me as the mother of all Emily Litella moments. Did the leader of the Revolution just say, in essence, "Never mind"?

I asked Julia to interpret this stunning statement for me. She said, "He wasn't rejecting the ideas of the Revolution. I took it to be an acknowledgment that under 'the Cuban model' the state has much too big a role in the economic life of the country."

The "he" in this conversation is Fidal Castro. And these aren't mere words. The government is laying off thousands of employees and telling private industry to have a party. After Chavez's latest losses in Venezuela, I think we may be seeing the death knell of centrally planned economies. They don't work and they never will.

Of course, the icing on the cake for this is that the right in this country is losing a boogieman they can prop up and froth at the mouth about endlessly. Of wait, I forgot. President Obama is anti colonial Kenyan terrorist loving socialist fascist like Hitler. So they still have him.

Welcome, Nikto!!

I'd like everyone to give a hearty welcome to a new contributor to Notes From The Front...Nikto! Nikto is a fellow Minnesotan like myself as well as being a recovering Republican. Look for posts from him starting next week!


last in line said...

So the good thing is that the right is losing a boogeyman...the good thing can't have anything to do with the people in those countries who have been living in poverty? Well, when politics is your religion...

Yesterdays WSJ had a huge story on democrat ads they have been running. For me, I'll pay attention to the ads they have been running and not what Pelosi thinks.

Welcome Nikto. Here's a warm welcome to you - you are wrong about politics.

juris imprudent said...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told the president that congressional Democrats want to see more of the kind of campaign rally and rhetoric he displayed this week in Wisconsin.

That would be the House Speaker that many of the first-term Dems don't want to be associated with either, right?

You are such a partisan tool.

Haplo9 said...

>No solutions....just anger, screaming insults and vitriol.

I must admit, it never stops being funny to see Mark say things like this without even a hint of self awareness. That's a very .. rickety house you cast those stones from.