
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

If the Flannel Shirt fits...

Apparently, a talent agency that was hired by the GOP to produce the ad below in the West Virginia Senate race called for actors who have that "Hicky, Blue Collar look." Here is a further explanation of the type of look they wanted.

These characters are from West Virginia so think coal miner/trucker looks. Each character should bring several options and stay away from all black or all white or thin stripes (thicker stripes and plaid are good).

The talent agency also made several additional clothing suggestions, including a "Dickie's type jacket with t-shirt underneath," "Down filled vest," "John Deer hats (not brand new, preferably beat up)," and "Trucker hats (not brand new, preferably beat up)."

My oh my, what a stereotype! Adding further insult to injury was the fact that the ad wasn't even shot in West Virginia. It was made entirely in Philadelphia. So much for "grass roots." If I were Joe Manchin, I'd counter with an ad of him talking to people on the street in West Virginia with the tag line "Made entirely in West Virginia, not Philadelphia."

The other thing about this ad is that it is such a great example of how fake these things are. They're all paid actors playing a role that suits a narrative that is largely false. Take a look


Haplo9 said...

>The other thing about this ad is that it is such a great example of how fake these things are. They're all paid actors playing a role that suits a narrative that is largely false.

No way! You mean to say that political ads aren't known for being particularly honest? Boy, the scales have fallen from my eyes!

last in line said...

What did you say Haplo9? You mean to tell me political ads aren't entirely honest? Do they really tend to exaggerate things a bit? This must be the new era of politics we are still in.

From this blog...

Feb 2006

"most NRA pussies would probably shart themselves if saw any real kind of action and are quite happy and content to fantasize about killing their neighborhood niggers than actually doing something brave like serving their country. They are content to swill Busch light, watch fucking NASCAR, and scream about the liberal homos that are trying to "destroy" their homes."

"I think we will ALL agree, however, that most of the people that have guns in this country are FUCKING MORONS and will end up shooting themselves or someone they love. Statistics don't lie"

Oct 31, 2005, comment section

"And then there is Laura Ingraham, the Chicago Tribune, and the eight zillion right wing radio shows that are the ONLY thing on in Hicksville, USA."

Hicksville, USA? My oh my, what a stereotype!

Did stereotypes all of a sudden just become bad in this new era of politics?

jeff c. said...

Last, I'd like to see you trot out two or three of your past comments and how they were proved either wrong or insulting. Mark has admitted his errors and insulting comments. Can you?

last in line said...

Tell you what Jeff...I just posted some issue related information on the cap and trade bill yesterday in the comment section of the post called "A Nasty Climate". Why don't you go there and prove me wrong...or at a minimum, tell us why the proposed cap and trade legislation is a good thing and why.

Heck, I have to post insults to get any of you to respond because you sure do avoid talking about the issues.

Haplo9 said...

>Last, I'd like to see you trot out two or three of your past comments and how they were proved either wrong or insulting.

Not that you are talking to me, but I would freely cop to the insulting part. Mark has so little respect for opposing viewpoints that he can't even be bothered to understand them - he just sticks with his caricatures. Thus, speaking for myself, I don't feel much need to be polite or respectful to him. You reap what you sow.

Tess said...

So your answer is no, Last? That speaks volumes. Haplo, I'm relatively new to this blog but I have gone back and scanned through some old posts. I'm not sure I could be anywhere close to as tolerant as Mark has been over the years. By and large, the conservative viewpoint as it is represented here is accurately characterized by Mark. You don't like what he has to say so you act like an asshole and personally insult him. I don't see him personally insulting anyone. He has been critical at times and engaged in name calling but it's never been personal.

last in line said...

Hello Tess. Thanks for speaking volumes to me on cap and trade in the other thread.

You didn't scan back very far on here Tess...the racism charge is thrown around on here all the time. I guess that must not be personal.

Haplo9 said...

>By and large, the conservative viewpoint as it is represented here is accurately characterized by Mark.

Please. Who knows my viewpoint better, me, or you and Mark? Who is likely to know views of "conservatives" better - me, or you and Mark? If I were to say, "by and large, the liberal viewpoint as I believe it to be is accurate," would you grant me any credibility in such a claim? If not, then why do you think your claim has any? When I say that Mark (and most likely your) views of conservatives are ridiculous caricatures, it's because they bear no relation to what I think. Strawmen are very easy to argue against, aren't they?

>You don't like what he has to say so you act like an asshole and personally insult him.

Imagine arguing with a conservative who, whenever you argued with them, rather than actually arguing the topic at hand, instead kept repeating slogans over and over again - "you want government control over everything!" "You hate capitalism!" "You don't want business to succeed!" Would you, at some point, conclude that this person isn't actually an honest/intelligent debater? I would and I did.

Who knows Tess, maybe even you can learn to not be judgemental. You might even learn logic along the way.

Tess said...

It's been my experience, last, that conservatives seem to have an awful difficult time admitting when they are wrong. From what I've read on here, Mark has done that fare more often than you. If you have, let's see the quotes. You seem to have made a nice little list of Mark quotes. How about a list of last quotes? Haplo9-no one is better than you. I agree. Based on what you have wrote on here and Mark's repeating it back to you, it is an accurate perception.

Flat-Earther said...

"It's been my experience, last, that conservatives seem to have an awful difficult time admitting when they are wrong."

The "conservatives" you speak of are never PROVEN wrong on this site. No-one will debate last or juris, despite their many requests for responses. So why should they admit they're wrong? Are they wrong because Tess thinks conservatives are mean?

Flat-Earther said...

"It's been my experience, last, that conservatives seem to have an awful difficult time admitting when they are wrong."

The "conservatives" you speak of are never PROVEN wrong on this site. No-one will debate last or juris, despite their many requests for responses. So why should they admit they're wrong? Are they wrong because Tess thinks conservatives are mean?

Mark Ward said...

"The "conservatives" you speak of are never PROVEN wrong on this site."

That's an amusing statement. Rest assured, no matter what evidence or arguments are presented, THEY NEVER WILL BE.

Flat-Earther said...

I see much more whining and attempted mindreading here than "evidence" or "arguments" from the lefties, with the possible exception of blk.

last in line said...

Mark was talking about stereotypes thrown about, then I talked about stereotypes thrown about, then it turned into me never admitting I am wrong. Where did I ever claim to be right all the time in this thread?

The main point I typed up about cap and trade was echoed by Obamas former budget director Peter Orszag in the other comment section. Any of you want to tell me I'm wrong on that? If so, you'd better tell Orszag he's wrong too.

juris imprudent said...

By and large, the conservative viewpoint as it is represented here is accurately characterized by Mark.

So Tess, are you presuming I am a conservative?

M certainly caricatures conservative thought/argument - but he very, VERY rarely characterizes it correctly. Nor does he have much appreciation for the varieties of argument within conservative circles - something blk actually does get right.

I'm always willing to be shown that I'm wrong - but not just because YOU say so. If you intend to do so, you have to show me facts; you have to give me arguments that are built on logic not emotion.

Sadly that is all too rare a situation in these parts.

Anonymous said...

Best political ad ever.

Anonymous said...

Dude. Your side is equally guilty of shaping the message. Obama handlers hand pick the audience for his MTV rally for the youth:

BUT, I don't recall getting the chance to meet GDub backstage if I gave a donation, like I did yesterday from OFA.

Fundamentalist Wackos said...

Of course, that makes no difference, they're still guilty. But William Ayers and Van Jones aren't communists.