
Friday, March 25, 2011

The Answer...Again....For the Nine Zillionth Time

How do corporations exert force on us again? Watch the last minute of this video for (yet another) answer.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
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Larry said...

Seriously, Mark? Six months ago you were deriding Sarah Palin as a complete idiot for remarking that food prices were starting to go up, and that it would become a problem. Now they've gone up enough that it can't be swept under the carpet or minimized. Who's the idiot now, hmm?

Interestingly, the very next video offered up is a serious answer to what is actually driving the price increases, not a simple-minded conspiracy theory of the type Bill O'Reilly spouts forth every time gas prices go up in the spring, or because a major hurricane has disrupted Gulf of Mexico rigs and refineries.

Laurie Garret schools ignorant Colbert

juris imprudent said...

If it weren't for Hollywood, you might actually go looking for real information.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... you are really on to something here Marxy. I think you should run with it.

Haplo9 said...

Wow Mark. You're actually serious aren't you.


Anonymous said...

How pissed off are you that GE paid no taxes last year? Think the tax code needs reform?

Mark Ward said...

Well, folks, the last minute of this piece is how our current system works. I wonder why you continue to support it.

Larry said...

You couldn't be bothered to watch the later segment of the very same show where Laurie Garret shows his position to be asinine, could you? Typically pathetic of you, Mark. Typically pathetic.

Haplo9 said...

Oh, I know you have some rather farcical views of how the world works Mark. You tend to like a rather simplistic good/evil paradigm, where you can cast yourself as a the good truthteller fighting against the evil forces of plutomny. Grade A bullshit of course. You'd think though, when repeatedly pressed for examples of corporations forcing people to do things against their will, without the assistance of the government, you could come up with something actually, you know, real. Instead you have a skit from Colbert. Wow.

Haplo9 said...

Colbert apparently knows his audience. All he has to do is play to the stereotypes of people like you and he's got a gold mine. Nodding sagely along, you say "Funny! And Troof!"

Larry said...

It's almost like Mark "imprinted" on the movie Trading Places and thinks that that was a truly accurate depiction of the filthy rich and how they think and operate. A cartoon world, in other words. Just like Colbert.