
Thursday, March 03, 2011

A Question Answered

A recent New York Times headline:

Teachers Wonder, Why the Scorn?

Short Answer: Because the people that are dishing it out waver back and forth between an 8 year old having a temper tantrum and an adolescent power fantasy.

Even Shorter Answer: Because they are assholes.


juris imprudent said...

I'm willing to bet that this is a lot like Congress, where people love their Congress-critter but hate all the others.

I'll also say that if we are going to get rid of tenure (presumably to weed out the lowest performers), then we should actually increase pay for those teachers we deem most successful. Of course how to measure how well a teacher teaches is no small trick (and contrary to those who think I think I know everything - I really don't have a clue here).

Mark Ward said...

I agree with absolutely everything in juris's comment. Note the date and time:)

Anonymous said...

Yep, everyone that disagrees with you is an 8 year old with Randian fantasies of rugged individualism.

Do you ever listen to yourself?

juris imprudent said...

Do you ever listen to yourself?

How can you ask that of the self proclaimed king of self reflection?

I'm afraid his own voice all too often gets drowned out by the crowd in his head. Which is mean to say after he and I actually agreed about something, but this is just one of those flukes when he actually read what I wrote and didn't try to fit it into one of his caricatures or stereotypes. I wish M would do this more often - no, not simply agreeing with me - but understanding the point that someone else is making.