
Tuesday, April 02, 2013


Juris Imprudent said...

5 substantive links and this is the very next thing M posts.

How pre-adolescent.

Larry said...

It's pretty pathetic even for Mark, all right.

Larry said...

You're right, juris, Mark is so very often pre-adolescent that I think it's another symptom of his common complaint that members of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy", which is to say everyone who doesn't agree with him, is acting out an "adolescent power-fantasy". That could pretty much sum up the worldview of all emotional children and how they perceive anybody who disagrees with Daddy, while being unable to differentiate between older (actual teen) siblings and actual adults from other families. "They don't agree with me and Daddy, so they're wrong." Lords knows Mark makes huge category errors all the fucking time, falsely conflating different groups and beliefs into strawman images his emotional little mind can comprehend (making the perennial mistake of believing his map/model is the world). Thus his insistence that we must all do as Daddy as says, because Daddy has our best interests at heart. He's a physical adult with Daddy issues, so he's substituted big government (as long as it's (m/p)aternalistic Democrat) for physical father, and enlisted all the rest of us (unknowingly) as rebellious teens of the "national family". We don't follow his internal script and so are "bad" by being actual adult human beings that make up their own minds. Thus he burns us in effigy in his fields of strawmen, trying to exorcise the demon of independent thought (which is by itself fine, just so long as we agree with him). Sorry for the rambling first-draft nature of this.