
Friday, February 27, 2015

Conservatives Have A Long Way To Go

A recent PPP poll shows that conservatives really have a long way to go in terms of...oh...I don't know...joining the rest of us past the 15th century!

Q16 (Republicans) Do you believe in evolution or not? 
Believe in evolution 37% 
Do not believe in evolution 49% 
Not sure 13%

Uh...not a matter of belief, folks, it's settled science (see: true, whether you believe it or not). Speaking of which...

Q15 (Republicans) Do you believe in global warming or not? 
Believe in global warming 25% 
Do not believe in global warming 66% 
Not sure 10%

Also, settle science.

So, with nearly half of conservatives not believing in evolution and more than half not believing in global warming, it becomes obvious that this is the party about IRRATIONAL BELIEF, not logic, facts, and evidence. If you look at where they stand on all of the issues of the day, it's really all belief.

Supply Side Economics? Proven to be a failed model and recanted by the people that came up with it (Bruce Bartlett and David Stockman). Still believe? Yep

Guns protect me and my family? Proven to be more likely that an accident is more likely in homes with firearms. Still believe? Yep

Immigrants-self deport! Shown to be completely unfeasible given the number of undocumented workers and how integral they are to our economy. Still believe? Get the fuck out, crime breakers!!

It's no wonder that so many conservatives are very religious. They have tied up all of their beliefs into one, gigantic, epistemically closed ball of intransigence.

And there is nothing more dangerous than ideologues. Why? This...

Q17 (Republicans) Would you support or oppose establishing Christianity as the national religion? 
57% Support establishing Christianity as the national religion
30% Oppose establishing Christianity as the national religion
13% Not sure


GuardDuck said...

Global warming? I thought it was climate change now.

As for the results of that poll regarding. Since the pro-agw crowd has co-opted the language and leaves the anthropogenic part out when they use the term - a respondent who does understand science and does know the climate changes is left with a poorly phrased question.

Guns protect me and my family? Proven to be more likely that an accident is more likely in homes with firearms.

Actually that study has been proven to be incorrect.

juris imprudent said...

Nothing in science is ever "true" and "settled", it is always the best understanding we have at the time and subject to revision.

Funny how the very next post so perfectly points to how people do not understand science.

juris imprudent said...

And no one should ever be asked if they "believe" in a scientific finding/theory - although that does betray the ignorance of the person asking the question.

Mark Ward said...

That's a good point, juris, and I had a problem with the word "believe" as well. They could have phrased it differently.