
Friday, February 13, 2015

The Collected Wisdom of Pat Robertson


Larry said...

Yeah, well, he's an idiot. As the vast majority of your commenters and lurkers will (or have already told you). How about the Collected Wisdom of Robert
F. Kennedy, Jr.?

Anonymous said...

Wow, talk about selective editing. Most of those were comments about what he was hearing, not his own thoughts. I guess if you have nothing really of substance, make it up.

juris imprudent said...

I will defend the right of Pat Robertson to be as big a dumbshit as you M every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

GuardDuck said...

Hey, I bet Pat Robertson doesn't post pictures of guns on the internet. I guess he's much more like Mark, ideologically then.....

Larry said...

GuardDuck, gasp! Does that mean that Markadaffiya's thinking is >shudder< black and white, where one attribute can wipe out all the others of a person's history an personality? Oh wait. Hmm, I think I see why L'il Marksie didn't even attempt multi-variate calculus in college...