
Tuesday, August 14, 2012


-just dave said...


Attention all bloggers. I hereby vow to give Mark $100 if he can produce a quote from any conservative blogger on this site, or any GOP politician for that matter, purporting "No Government".

Right Wing Guy said...

"I want to be, Anarchy"

Split the $100 with you, Mark.

Mark Ward said...

I have a simple question for you, dave, that will solve this. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement.

The government should stay out of the free market and let it do its thing.

If you disagree, then I'm happy to be wrong and perhaps we can find some common ground on regulations.

If you agree, please take the $100 and donate it to Planned Parenthood.

Larry said...

In other words, "let me progressively change the goalposts ('it's progressive, it MUST be good!')".

Why don't we let your original goalpost stand, hmmh? Even an asswipe should be able to see why anything else is bullshit.

juris imprudent said...

This must be like M's belief that fundie Christians in the U.S. are just like fundie Islamists elsewhere in the world.

Mark Ward said...

My original goalpost is standing, Larry. dave asked for a quote from a conservative blogger saying "No government." I've seen that statement here, at TSM, and on many blogs. Letting the free market do its thing and the government getting out of the way means "no government," right? What does it mean to you? Does that mean you support some regulation?

juris imprudent said...

I've seen that statement here, at TSM, and on many blogs.

If only you understood the difference between anarchists, libertarians and conservatives - that really would help you not look such a fool.

juris imprudent said...

Letting the free market do its thing and the government getting out of the way means "no government," right?


GuardDuck said...

Letting the free market do its thing and the government getting out of the way means "no government," right?

Not only no, but oh my god I find it hard to believe you can walk around without slipping on all the drool that must be slobbering out of your mouth breathing face.....


Mark Ward said...

If I'm wrong, fine. Then answer my question...What does it (getting the government out of the way and letting the free market do its thing) mean to you? Does that mean you support some regulation?

juris imprudent said...

If I'm wrong, fine.

It is nice when you recognize it. You should do that more often.