
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Are White Republicans More Racist Than White Democrats? (Part Nine)

In looking at the index of all of the graphics I have put up thus far, it's quite clear that white Republicans tend to be more racist than white Democrats.

The good news is that the trend is downward for both parties. Still, it's far too high for 2015.

Part of what is driving all of this is "the old ways" of the South. Take a look at this.

The above graphic is from Humboldt University's Geography of Hate map and which tracks where the most tweets with the word "nigger" originate. The primary cluster of red globs are located around and below the Mason Dixon line.

Which party overwhelmingly dominates these states?


Larry said...

Now what I want to know is, "How many of those tweets were from blacks, talking about other blacks?"

juris imprudent said...

No shit Larry because that is the overwhelming majority use of the word that this white man hears.

Larry said...

Yes, cause I notice a blob over Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Unless that's a hotbed of Scandi Klanners (and maybe Nikto) I'm betting that's black-on-black tweeting.

GuardDuck said...

Not to mention those blobs over Portland, Or, Seattle, Wa and Austin, Tx. All hotbeds of right wing activity /sarcasm