
Friday, January 30, 2015

The Week In Politics

Since the State of the Union, the political scene sure has gotten interesting. As I have previously suggested, the president's approval ratings would rise if he started to appeal more to his liberal base. The fact that he was done in the low 40s was partly due to the left (and not exclusively the right) not approving of him because he was being too moderate. Well, they have come home, folks.

The president's tone in last Tuesday's speech shows that he's finally getting it right. You start off far left and then force Republicans to meet you in the middle. You don't start off at the 40 yard line on the left side of the field. Then you end up with a policy that is on the 30 yard line on the right side of the field. Now he's more or less forced the GOP to meet the reality of governing. Yes, that's right, conservatives. Now YOU GUYS have to deal with approval ratings running 30 percentage points behind the president.

Mitt Romney decided not to run for president today. That's too bad because I would have like to see him gum up and already gummed up field. I've heard a lot of talk about the deep bench on the side of the GOP but I see it more like this.

7 right-wing demagogues that will be shoved down our throats in 2016

In many ways, this is good news, though, because Reince Preibus's dream of being able to hide the batshit will not come to pass. These guys are going to be out there with their short wave radio lunacy and wacky, ideological nonsense, straw manning their way to their next appeal to fear to old, white men who can't seem to get over their problem with their parents...I mean, authority.

I say we let them have center stage for the next few months and then President Grandma can announce her candidacy sometime later in the year. What could possibly go wrong?:)


GuardDuck said...

Wait, so it's a good thing if a leftie starts extra left to 'allow' him to move to the middle in a compromise....


But it's a bad thing if a righty is any thing other than a centrist to begin with?

You understand if a lefty has poor numbers if he isn't placating the wack-o lefty base...


But a righty who is following the dictates of the righty base is a 'batshit demogogue'?

So glad you are firmly sitting on the fifty yard line Mr. voice of reason and moderation.....

juris imprudent said...

If M really were sitting on the 50yd line it would be on a 1000 yard field.

Mark Ward said...

So glad you are firmly sitting on the fifty yard line

Yet another straw man...what would you guys do if you couldn't employ such a tactic? It's the core of conservative ideology in 2015 and exactly why you keep losing elections.

I consider myself to be at the 35 yard line on the left side of the field. Where are each of you in your estimations?

GuardDuck said...

I consider myself to be at the 35 yard line on the left side of the field.


And your characterization of me is way off. I'll agree that I am more mainstream but that's only because I'm center left

You consider the 35 yard line center left? Or would that be left-center?

looking at me on the 45 yard line (just to the right of the 50) that I guess that makes me a communist

So you're just to the right of the fifty here, but center left there and claiming to be exactly at the left 35 yard line?

Wasn't a straw man Mark - was an observation that you claim yourself to be somewhere in the middle (or at the very least much closer to the middle than any of your commentors) while your actual politics AS OBSERVED by those commentors...well there's a reason you EARNED the nickname marxy.

p.s. for fux sake - learn what a straw man is.

juris imprudent said...

p.s. for fux sake - learn what a straw man is.

No danger of him burning it down, first his mommy and now his wife never let him play with matches.

Mark Ward said...

Where are each of you in your estimations?

GuardDuck said...

Have either of us claimed to be in a certain spot?

Mark Ward said...

Showing some real courage, GD:) Again, where would you say you fall on the political spectrum?

juris imprudent said...

I'm a very extreme radical when it comes to minimizing govt. I don't think that puts me in any identifiable spot on the spectrum you believe runs from govt controlling all sorts of behavior in the service of progressive goals to controlling all sorts of behavior in the service of conservative goals.

GuardDuck said...

Why do you suppose I even commented on where you are on the spectrum?

It is because I see irony in the dichotomy in what you say in comparison to what you claim.

In other words, you have claimed many time to be a rather centered, mainstream person. You also claim the GOP is wacko extremist. I find that funny, as a truly center person would find the majority of both sides to be generally center and see the extremes of both sides to be extreme.

But you don't. Despite claiming center views you point out most of the right as extreme and can only find limited extremes on the left.

The point of what I said is not where I observe you to fall on the spectrum. The point is not where YOU claim to be on the spectrum. The point IS the difference between the two.

Now, again, why do think asking where we fall is even relevant? We have not claimed a spot. You probably have an idea (although based upon your reading comprehension I would bet that idea is an order of magnitude from reality).

The topic was the difference between what you claimed and what is we observed. That's funny.

Demanding from us to claim a spot.... Again, why? So you can point out the difference between claimed and observed? Not funny anymore. The jokes over. To harass us about how you see it differently? Yay. To start a new topic for serious discussion and debate? That's funny right there. You've been dodging any possibility of serious debate lately. Not holding my breath on this one.

So, tell me why you want to know. Is it because you want some ammo to use or is it because you really want a serious discussion?

Mark Ward said...

juris, I suspected as much. Thank you for being honest about where you stand. And I agree that it doesn't really put you in a spot on the spectrum because, as a true libertarian, you would be on the left with social issues and on the right with fiscal ones.

GD, I think it's time you left the obsession with me behind. Lose the pedantic and semantic based silliness behind as well and stand for something. juris just did and I commended him for it. If you are a far right conservative, say so.

GuardDuck said...




Can't you answer that one simple question?

That seems rather obsessive in itself. You demand answers about me but refuse to answer a REALLY REALLY simple request as to WHY you want to know something about me.

Mark Ward said...

It's because of your behavior, GD. You have a very simple choice here. You can change your behavior and write comments (as you did in the straw purchases post) that follow the four rules I laid out for you and then I will respond. Or you can continue with the poor behavior and, more than likely, get bupkus from me.

GuardDuck said...

You are accusing me of bad behaviour?

FFS you've spent WEEKS refusing to even EXPLAIN your conclusions on the rape post.

The you accuse me of bad behaviour? Incredible.

Look, it's real simple. In any conversation asking someone to provide ANY info is predicated upon a reasonable reason for needing the info.

You want to know where I fall on the scale?

I stated I will tell you if you can provide a decent reason why you want to know.

That is a reasonable position.

Demanding to know while refusing to state why is NOT a reasonable position.

Kinda just like making a conclusion about the GOP and rape and refusing to back it up with any support while demanding I support my position against your conclusion is also NOT A REASONABLE POSITION.

You want to know why I've been acting a bit peeved at you lately? LOOK THERE.

Stop acting like an asshole and I'll stop treating you like an asshole.

Mark Ward said...

I guess it's "bupkus" then:)

Larry said...

Hey, GD, it's the asshole's site and he has the God-given right to be an asshole, a hypocrite, and a liar on his own site. And don't complain that he wants one thing from others, but offers something else from himself -- if it weren't for double-standards, he'd have no standards at all.

GuardDuck said...

Wait, you are threatening to not give me anything but bubkis?

Like you've been giving me anything at all to begin with?

That's not a threat to me, that's just apparently a promise for you to continue business as usual.

I offer to have meaningful debate.

You refuse.

Nothing changes.