
Monday, January 12, 2015

You Are Not President


You aren't president and this is not the result of anything you did.

I'm completely shocked that a conservative doesn't understand fundamental economics.


juris imprudent said...

Well, she is about as responsible for gas prices as Obama is.

Larry said...

Really, Marksie? She's "taking credit for it"? Or is she merely celebrating it?

As juris says, it's not like the President has any credit to claim for it other than incidental proximity.

Anonymous said...

His prism is ideology and can't get past it.

Larry said...

I'm completely shocked" that a proggie doesn't understand economics. After all, after countless posts about how the current situation isn't possible, shouldn't a normal person be feeling at least a little bit of fucking shame after having been so egregiosuly wrong? But no, you just blithely plow on ahead, like a moron with no memory. Oops, I mean, like a Progressive.