
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Still On Board The Zimmerman Train?

George Zimmerman has been arrested...again. This time, it's aggravated assault.

I'm wondering if folks are still hitching their wagons to his star.


juris imprudent said...

Apparently you are.

Nikto said...

Zimmerman seems to be the kind of guy whose violence would languish in obscurity until he went postal and killed his wife, his boss and half a dozen people at work with an AK-47, ending with a standoff with the cops that results either in his suicide or with him dying in a blaze of "glory" along with a couple of cops.

Perhaps Trayvon Martin's death will have some meaning after all: with all the attention he's getting maybe they'll put this guy away before he commits mass murder.

By the way, can Zimmerman still legally own a gun in Florida? If anyone should have his Second Amendments rights curtailed for cause, it's Georgie Boy.

GuardDuck said...

hitching their wagons to his star.

You keep using that phrase. Can you even define what the hell you are talking about? And if you can could you even point out who would be doing so?

If anyone should have his Second Amendments rights curtailed for cause, it's Georgie Boy

Exactly what cause would that be O-mighty expert of the law?

Mark Ward said...

I keep using that phrase because you keep defending him. It's become quite clear that this guy has a problem with anger and was looking for a fight the night that he killed Trayvon Martin. The jury completely blew it.

But because he fits that certain profile (vigilante taking the law into his hands because cops are fools and everyone should just take care of themselves by being armed, going around thwarting crime etc.) that gets you guys to thump your chest, he gets your support.

Don't you think it's time you admitted you were wrong about him?

GuardDuck said...

Point to ANY thing I said that defended anything other than HIS LEGAL ACTIONS or to refute YOUR claims of racism, or your judgement of an arrest without the facts of the case.

Just because you make a false claim, a silly statement, a wrong headed judgement and I disagree DOES NOT mean I am some sort of fan-boi....

For fuck's sake you act like a teenage girl. "GuardDuck said "hi" to her? Ohh I hate him now...."

GuardDuck said...

It's become quite clear that this guy has a problem with anger and was looking for a fight the night that he killed Trayvon Martin.

Missed that one....

See, just like that.

Quite clear huh? You basing that on facts not known to the jury? Like? Oh, arrests based upon accusations by crazy girlfriends who recant later? An arrest here that you DON'T KNOW JACK ABOUT?

And if this one is true? Then what? Oh, a fight with a girlfriend definitely PROVES that he stalked and murdered Travon.../sarcasm

GuardDuck said...

vigilante taking the law into his hands because cops are fools and everyone should just take care of themselves by being armed, going around thwarting crime etc

Define vigilante.

So, I take it you are philosophically opposed to neighbourhood watch groups?

Mark Ward said...

Zimmerman was told by law enforcement that he should not approach Martin and he did. You have defended that.

Given his recent behavior, how would you characterize George Zimmerman? Has your opinion of him changed at all?

GuardDuck said...

Still clinging to that myth?

Zimmerman was told by a civilian dispatcher that they 'didn't need him to do that'. The evidence supports that after being told that he was returning to his vehicle when he was attacked.

I have defended the facts against your errors and misconceptions.

Given his recent behaviour? Such as? Getting arrested for things that have turned out to not even warrant charges? Well I'm sure not going to convict him without evidence.

juris imprudent said...

The jury completely blew it.

But of course you, who saw exactly NONE of the evidence entered into record that they did, you have divined the FUCKING TRUTH of the whole matter.

You really think you are God, don't you?

Mark Ward said...

I noticed that you didn't really answer my question, GD. You sort of seem to be defending him but are leaving yourself just enough room to wriggle out just in case.

And you call yourself a conservative...tsk tsk...

GuardDuck said...

'Sort of seem to be defending him' equals disagreeing with your mis-characterizations and calling to wait until you actually know something rather than jumping to demonize without adequate knowledge? Okay then.

You want to know if my opinion of him has changed? Is that the question? Do you even know what my opinion of him has ever been, or have you just determined what it was because I have disagreed with what you said?

That really is the point Mark - you keep telling me what my opinion is, despite me never having expressed it. I keep telling you fact and all you want is opinion.

But I guess that is no surprise, as your entire take on the Zimmerman affair to you is not based upon fact or evidence but rather feeling and opinion.

But to answer your question, no my opinion has not changed - because no facts have been presented to do so.

Mark Ward said...

You wasted an awful lot of time talking about me when you could have just said what your opinion is of him and then signaled that it hasn't changed. What is it?

GuardDuck said...

He's a guy that tragically tried to do the right thing and found himself under attack and had to defend his life. If that wasn't bad enough, doing so pissed off a lot of people with ulterior motives and/or lack of critical thinking skills.

After successfully defending his life, he then successfully defended it in court as well.

Unfortunately that's not good enough for some people and his every action since has been under scrutiny. Also unfortunately he seems to have very poor skills in choosing female companionship.

Of course my opinion of him is irrelevant to every discussion we've ever had about him. So this is all a red herring on your part and just another attempt to change the subject.

Mark Ward said...

Hmm...sounds like you think he is a victim here...interesting and this more or less supports my original point. Kudos to you for finally going on record.

GuardDuck said...

Hey! Stop focusing on my words. This isn't about me, and your obsession over what I say is just weird.

GuardDuck said...

Oh, and yes, a jury did find him to be the victim - you are the one whose thinking is contrary to established fact.