
Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I've appreciated Frank Scaeffer's mea culpas over the years but this one is, hands down, fucking awesome. Soak it in deeply, readers, and attempt to answer the following question...

How are Christian conservatives different from Islamic conservatives?


juris imprudent said...

Who is Frank Scaeffer?

Anonymous said...

He's the atheist son of noted Christian apologist Francis Shaeffer.

Mark Ward said...

Hey Ed, how are you doing?

Say, Ed, how does God feel about liars?

I wouldn't expect you to understand the nuances of Frank Schaeffer and his father but I am certainly not surprised at your straw man (again) here. Schaeffer has called you guys on your bullshit and so now it's fatwa time. Shocking!

GuardDuck said...

Dude, you can't even understand specifically stated black and white statements - accusing ANYONE of not understanding nuance is laughable.

Anonymous said...

So Frank's book titled Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God means what, exactly? That's he's not an atheist? That "nuance" means accepting direct contradictions as "rational"?

And why are you calling me "Ed"?

juris imprudent said...

One, I was tweaking M for his typo on the man's name; two, I honestly had never heard of the guy - so big f'n deal for how influential he must be.

Mark Ward said...

means what, exactly? .

Perhaps you should read the book and find out:)

And why are you calling me "Ed"?

Oh, sorry, this must be Unix posting on the account that you and Ed "what the heck" Heckman share.

Larry said...

I'd never heard of this clown before.