
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Great Words

From a recent comment thread on Quora...

Thanks Mark, I worked out pretty quickly that it was a waste of time...pedantic, semantic arguments seem to the weapon of choice ( pun intended ) for Kevin. I just find it odd, that there are people out there that see nothing wrong with innocent bystanders dying, so others can exercise their right to own and carry a gun.... Thanks again...

Pedantic, semantic arguments combined with wacky ideological nonsense pretty much sums up today's conservative. Of course, that's the result of a baseline of insecurity and inferiority hence the need to "win" all the time:)


GuardDuck said...

Is this from the thread where you flat out lied?

Mark Ward said...

An accusation devoid of explanation and evidence...about par for the course.

Larry said...

No, GuardDuck, this isn't one where he lied. He did actually do anything but Upvote the question How realistic is the average gun rights enthusiast about their ability to use their firearm for self-defense/ home protection without being a danger to themselves or bystanders? I have a friend who I simply think would be a danger to himself and others if he was armed and saw, say, a robbery. He'd screw up somehow. He is completely unaware of this.

So Markadelphia was completely devoid of explanation and evidence, while the ones who actually answered cited some examples and a study. I know that's hopelessly "pedantic" and "semantic" in this age of "critical studies", but you mileage may vary.

GuardDuck said...

Oh, I thought this was the one where Mark claimed that Kevin kicked him off his blog because "the facts and evidence of my assertions could no longer ignored".

Which, of course, is a complete fabrication.

Oh, I have no doubt that Mark thinks that's the truth. But a mentally stable person wouldn't be living in such a fantasy land.