
Friday, October 26, 2012

Hence my frustration with the Right...


Anonymous said...

Hence my frustration with the Right...

What, that they aren't fooled by the charlatan you are continuously fawning over?

juris imprudent said...

So true... of yourself [and projecting all over those you so despise]

Govt job creation

Understanding job creation has policy implications. If the private sector is the main source of jobs, then the incentives, disincentives and the general climate for firms to expand do matter.

Govt bloat

But where liberals in America have the freest hand—in states like New York, California and Illinois—we see incontrovertible evidence that the policies they choose don’t have the consequences they predict.

That river in Egypt

And yet despite all these signs of trouble for the president, the most popular story line for liberal pundits and analysts today seems to be an attempt to deny that Romney has momentum or to brand it a media creation.

A. Noni Mouse said...

How can you claim we've been fooled when you can't even understand what we actually believe?