
Saturday, October 06, 2012

Polls For Saturday Oct 6th

General Election: Romney vs. ObamaGallup TrackingObama 49, Romney 46Obama +3
General Election: Romney vs. ObamaRasmussen TrackingObama 47, Romney 49Romney +2
Colorado: Romney vs. ObamaGravis MarketingObama 46, Romney 49Romney +3
President Obama Job ApprovalGallupApprove 50, Disapprove 45Approve +5
President Obama Job ApprovalRasmussen ReportsApprove 50, Disapprove 49Approve +1

So, these are the first real post debate polls and they make no sense to me. After the president's poor performance on Wednesday night, I expected Gallup to be dead even and Rasmussen to have Romney up by 4 (recall that Rasmussen does not poll cel phone users so their numbers and they sample more GOP so their numbers skew Republican).

Moreover, the approval rating for both Gallup and Rasmussen is still at 50 percent. I don't get it after how much he sucked at the debate.


Don said...

Good explanation.

Mark Ward said...

Back to the vetting obsession again, eh Don?

The problem with the mentality in the link is that it's very played. You guys don't think anyone who is a Democrat is qualified to be president. This was the same crap that went on with Bill Clinton. Of course, now it's conveniently forgotten and the Right loves him again.

The same thing is going to happen with Barack Obama when the next liberal whipping boy or girl comes along.

juris imprudent said...

Of course, now it's conveniently forgotten and the Right loves him again.

Really? Is that according to another voice in your head? How strange that the treatment Reagan has been getting of late from the left should so eerily reflect this.