
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

And There Goes The Senate

If there was any whiff at all that the GOP had a chance for the Senate, it is now completely gone.

What's the deal these guys and rape? Sheesh...

And will this hurt Mitt Romney considering this?....


Don said...

Active blogging today. You going to mention that the white house got notified 2 hours after the attack via email that an al queda group was taking responsibility for the attack in Libya, and the white house went out and lied about it or is abortion more important to you than Americans being killed?


juris imprudent said...

Progtards - completely unable to understand an argument.

I disagree with Mourdock, but I understand what he is saying. His argument is that life begins at conception - regardless of whether that conception was desired or forced. The joint stupidity of Mourdock and his opponent on whether or not God intends for this is just plain typical of idiot Christians.

This is a classic example of listening to the conservative caricature you carry around in your head rather than what the actual conservative said. Stupid and childish - but that's about all we can expect from you, particularly around election season.

Mark Ward said...

and the white house went out and lied about it

This is a great example of how reality is rewritten to suit the anger/hate fantasies the Right has about Obama. You can believe whatever you like, Don, but that's not what happened.

sw said...

well is wasnt the videotape you moron. read the emails that were released yesterday.

juris imprudent said...

The fanboi doesn't care about what actually happened in Libya because he simply believes whatever Obama or his mouthpiece says. If it changes it doesn't matter, because he believes whatever the latest statement is. M doesn't care about the "Disposition Matrix" either - that is until a Republican is in charge of it, then it will be wholly and completely immoral.

Total, unabashed and immune to shame partisanship - that's all M seems to be good for.

Mark Ward said...

What would the opposite of a fanboi be, juris? The anti-fanboi? For this reason, it's pointless to discuss the situation in Libya...that is, until, you guys lose the bias and can think critically about it.

rld said...

Thinking critically? Our ambassador is dead, along with some nave seals as well, and no response from Obama. That's what you think is pointless to discuss? Guess you'd better get back to hard-hitting issues like abortion.

Agree - read the emails.

Mark Ward said...

Oh, I've read them, rld, and your not so surprising omission of the unaired answer to Steve Kroft by the president says to me that you are incapable of discussing this event rationally.

Mark Ward said...

Nor are you capable of adhering to the wishes of the parents of Mr. Stevens and Mr. Doherty. Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself.

juris imprudent said...

Now THAT is funny - M tut-tutting about how we should feel shame when he is utterly immune to such.

What would the opposite of a fanboi be, juris?

You have to ask? You can't figure it out on your own? Simple - it is someone that isn't totally in love with the heroic image of his object of affection; someone who can see multiple perspectives - clearly; someone who judges behavior independent of partisan label.

On second thought you were right to ask - you have no idea what that is.

GuardDuck said...

Mr. Stevens was appointed by a politician to a political job and killed by a political group to further their political aims.

Yeah - I think the conversation about his death has some political aspects to it.