
Friday, October 05, 2012

Most Welcome News

The US Department of Labor announced today that the unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent in September, the lowest since President Obama took office. This is great news for the US economy.

In a sign of stronger growth, August and July payroll numbers were revised up—August payrolls rose
142,000 compared with the initially reported 96,000, and July was up 181,000 versus an earlier estimate of 141,000.

You know it must be good news for the president when even Matt Drudge has this on his front page. He certainly needs it after his poor performance on Wednesday night. This report (along with Mitt Romney's admission of being completely wrong about the 47 percent comment) is going to mitigate whatever damage there may be over the president's listless showing at the debate.

Of course, there might not be any fallout. The undecided voters don't really seem to care about the theater of the debate. The various interviews and surveys conducted since the debate show continued frustration with both candidates over the dearth of specifics. And both President Reagan and President George W. Bush had truly awful first debates and came back with better second and third ones.

This news on unemployment means that we can officially say that the president is a job creator and his policies have turned this country around from disaster towards a direction of a stronger economy.


juris imprudent said...

Does this hit the 'mark' or what?

The sources of the media and Democrat trauma are obvious: The mainstream media and the Dems are firmly convinced that Obama represents the cause of truth and good, and that Romney represents dark forces and kookiness. In a rare moment of candor, a New York Times editor called this the elite media’s “political and cultural progressivism.” As today’s Times’ editorial put it: “The guy with the weaker case made the stronger statement, falsehoods and all, and that is a dangerous thing to allow so close to Election Day.” The public should know better: Obama is right. Romney is wrong. Case closed.Election over.

Jon Stewart made a comment in the lead up to his 'debate' with O'Reilly that even though he disagrees with O'Reilly he believes that O'Reilly arrives at his opinions honestly. That right there separates Stewart from M and the vast majority of proggie morons.

juris imprudent said...

Oh, and just to throw a little cold water on your Obama boner...

The falling jobless rate had been a function as much of the continued shrinking in the labor force as it was an increase in new positions.

Anonymous said...

"The economy is creating so few jobs that millions are staying out of the labor market, thereby prevent the unemployment rate from soaring. In September we created a measly 114,000 jobs, but the rate declined to 7.8 percent.

Consider that if labor force participation had held even since January (when it was 8.3 percent), the jobless rate would be 8.4 percent. If the job participation rate were the same as when Barack Obama took office, the rate would be 10.7 percent. The broader U-6 rate (unemployed plus total employed part time for economic reasons) held steady at 14.7 percent. Obama can spin the numbers anyway he likes, but this is not an economic “recovery” in a meaningful sense. We are adding fewer jobs on average per month than we did last year (143,00 vs. 153,000)."


"In a similar vein, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a conservative economist and head of the American Action Forum, says: “The September jobs report shows signs of strength; we’re not falling, but not accelerating. It is still facing downside risks, generating too little income, and well behind schedule in recovering.” In short, we are going sideways at best and drifting backward into a recession (as growth grinds to a halt) at worst. The best Obama can do turns out to be about a D +."

All the Obama Ministry of Propaganda wanted was a headline.

Anonymous said...

Added 190K jobs in July, UE stayed above 8.1%
Added 150K jobs in August, UE stayed above 8.1%
Added 114K jobs in September, UE rate plummets to 7.8%

C'mon Mark. If a (R) was in office you'd be screaming at the statistical farce the official BLBS data has become.

Mark Ward said...

that Romney represents dark forces and kookiness

What's interesting about this statement is that it intimates creation out of a vacuum and the left is just pulling this shit out of their ass. The Right says dark and crazy things, the left (me included) respond to those things and wonder wtf?,....and then it's all our fault.

Further, they act on these crazy things and then the Right has the audacity to wet their pants when we call them the American Taliban. If they didn't want to be classified as such, then they need to moderate and change. In other words, move to the middle...learn to compromise, accept facts, chuck the hostile fear of progress, stop denying science, end the demonization of education, enough with the tribal mentality, allow dissent, lose the severe Xenophobia and get rid (once and for all) of the pathological hatred of the US government.

Thankfully, Romney has done some of this now and I think this is the real guy now, as opposed to the "severe conservative." So, no, I don't think he is dark and kooky anymore. He just had to be that way to appeal to the base.

juris imprudent said...

The Right says dark and crazy things

Preach it, brother M, PREACH IT! You have seen light and all who haven't are wretched sinners that must be thrown down into the pit. The only thing that could make this more ironic would be if you were an agnostic/atheist like so many left of center people.

David said...

Mmmm, the sweet smell of cooked books.

Anonymous said...

What's your take on the unemployment rate?

This morning's poll at yahoo finance asks just that.

1/ It assures Obama's re-election.

4,301 votes @ 9%

2/ It's proof the economy is improving.

10,138 votes @ 22%

3/ It's temporary, the worst is yet to come.

5,481 votes @ 12%

4/ I don't trust the numbers.

26,597 votes @ 57%

Why can't people just blindly believe?!?! After all, it's good news, right?